Photo of Patrick McMillion

Patrick McMillion


Assistant Professor in Counseling and Counselor Education and Adventure Therapy Certificate Program Coordinator - Westminster University



Dr. Patrick McMillion is a core faculty member in Counseling and Counselor Education and the Adventure Therapy Certificate Program Coordinator at Westminster University in Salt Lake City, Utah. He completed his PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision at Northern Illinois University. His dissertation was titled: A Single-Case Alternating Treatments Design Utilizing Quantitative Electroencephalography to Observe and Measure Mental State Trends During Individual Participant Non-Nature-Based Small Initiative Adventure Therapy Experiences. Working in the field since 2008, his focus has been in community mental health in a variety of roles and with a specialization in Adventure Therapy since 2012. He has also provided services in schools and coordination with residential settings and day treatment programs. He has a strong passion for teaching, supervising, and training new counselors in Adventure Therapy along with continuing research. Patrick’s Point B is his belief that this work brings the whole brain and body online for change.