In the formation of the ORC, the ORC Co-Coordinators, Dr. Anita R. Tucker and Dr. Christine Lynn Norton knew the importance of gaining feedback from voices across the field to guide us in moving forward.
Hence we engaged with Point b(e) Strategies for a nine month long strategic planning process.. This strategic planning process launched in December of 2023, several months before the leadership transition was complete, and as a result, the process was informed by Dr. Gass, Dr. Tucker and Dr. Norton, as well as by a core group of practitioners, researchers and stakeholders who have been engaged in the work of the OBH Center and who were equipped to inform its future direction.
Through this process, the task force and strategy group participants engaged in conversations to address core questions that have emerged over the past several years, including: the OBH Center’s role in supporting research that explores the safety and efficacy of interventions in the broader field of outdoor health; the process for engaging a broader base of researchers and practitioners in its efforts; the accessibility of outdoor health interventions across communities; and pathways for integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion and belonging in its approach to research, partnership and collaboration.
To address its strategic questions, the OBH Center leadership and stakeholders participated in a multi-phase planning process designed to chart a three-year adaptable roadmap grounded in, and responsive to, the needs of researchers, practitioners and the broader field of outdoor health. Point b(e) Strategies used a combination of approaches to meaningfully engage the OBH Center’s leadership, practitioners and researchers in the plan’s development to ensure the process was informed by authentic stakeholder feedback. Point b(e) Strategies facilitated sessions that included: four virtual meetings with the strategic planning task force; two virtual strategy sessions with the broader strategy group composed of the task force members and additional practitioners, researchers and stakeholders from the field of outdoor research, experiential learning and adventure therapy. In addition, Point b(e) Strategies’ stakeholder engagement methodology included a survey sent to over 100 stakeholders and two key informant interviews.
Below are the four strategic priorities that were determined through the strategic planning process.
Priority #1
The ORC transparently supports and facilitates research and disseminates findings on experiential and outdoor interventions in diverse settings across the continuum of behavioral healthcare.

Objective 1.1: Formalize and clearly communicate the process for identifying research topics, participants, researchers and funding sources.
Objective 1.2: Increase the variety of settings and approaches to interventions included in research.
Objective 1.3: Expand the reach of research findings and resources for practitioners, participants, and the public.
Objective 1.4: Support and facilitate research that contributes to the practice of safe, ethical and effective interventions, and that improves the quality of life for children, adolescents and adults.
Priority #2
Priority #2: The ORC clarifies and communicates its purpose, values and intended impact on the field of outdoor health.

Objective 2.1: Examine and define the Collaborative’s mission and define the unique role the Collaborative plays in facilitating and supporting essential research on experiential and outdoor interventions across the continuum of care.
Objective 2.2: Increase understanding of the research the Collaborative facilitates and supports.
Objective 2.3: Develop and articulate the Collaborative’s core values.
Objective 2.4: Define and communicate the Collaborative’s approach to collaboration and to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging.
Priority #3
The ORC consistently implements practices designed to elevate accessibility, inclusion and belonging.

Objective 3.1: Identify and implement practices that increase accessibility and inclusivity of the Collaborative’s research partnerships and processes.
Objective 3.2: Engage in research that broadens researcher, practitioner and client understanding of interdisciplinary work and clinical applications within the field of experiential and outdoor interventions.
Objective 3.3: Expand interdisciplinary connection and collaboration with an emphasis on increasing community, belonging, and information-sharing across researchers, practitioners and others.
Objective 3.4: Activate the Collaborative’s commitment to equity-centered, anti-oppressive practices.
Priority #4
Priority #4: The ORC maintains and cultivates resources and partnerships that support and sustain its efforts.

Objective 4.1: Engage in values-aligned partnership opportunities and relationship-building that increase the Collaborative’s impact and reach.
Objective 4.2: Research and review alternative operating structures that expand the Collaborative’s flexibility in direction, staffing, partnership and funding sources.
Objective 4.3: Prioritize funding to support staffing that expands the Collaborative’s capacity to lead and guide its efforts and intended impact.
Objective 4.4: Diversify funding strategies to sustain the Collaborative’s role as an independent research entity.